Social Hurling for over 35's starting in Waterford
In collaboration with Waterford Sports Partnership we are starting Social Hurling in the coming week. This programme will commence on Mon 28st Nov at 7pm in Butlerstown Astro Turf. For Men aged 35 Be..
Friday Night Lights U12 Carriganore Nov & Dec
As part of our U12 Programme we will have 3 U12 Super Games Blitzes in SETU Arena Carriganore open to all boys born in 2010 to attend. Teams will be picked each week with players from different clubs Be..
Déise Óg Club Forum
Déise Óg are delighted to be hosting a Club Forum on Wed 26th October in Lawlor's Hotel, Dungarvan starting at 7.30pm. The theme of the club forum is "Supporting & Developing our Clubs together Be..
Déise Óg wants you
Déise Óg are looking for selectors for our various Talent Academies for 2023. If you are interested in helping develop future Waterford stars in Hurling & Gaelic Football we have roles for you. Be..
U12 Hurling Finals Programme
Our U12 Hurling Finals take place in SETU Arena on Sat 1st Oct. We have 10 finals across 5 Divisions with Cup & Shield Finals in all Divisions. The programme for the finals can be downloaded he Be..
Post Primary Schools GAA Promotional Competition
Waterford GAA Post Post Primary in conjunction with Déise Óg are running a competition for all Post Primary schools throughout the course of the year. This will be a monthly competition with an over Be..