Health & Wellbeing
Waterford GAA Health & Wellbeing

A motion passed at the historic GAA Congress in 2013 placed in rule the requirement for every county executive to establish a health and wellbeing sub committee. This motion came from the small Sigerson's club in Tyrone, and is a great example of the democratic nature of the Association in action. Tyrone had already established their health and wellbeing committee at county level and were keen to share the positive influence it was having across the 32 counties and beyond.
The new rule came into effect in January 2014 and counties have since been actively recruiting suitable and enthusiastic members. The Terms of Reference of the County Health and Wellbeing Committees' are designed to ensure the membership is representative of the Association as a whole, while also tapping into the wealth of knowledge and expertise within the Association and the wider community. It is also hope the new committees will offer an additional support structure for officers that previously operated in a largely independent environment, such as the ASAP Officer or the Social Initiative Coordinator.
To see the full Terms of Reference for the County Health & Wellbeing Committees, our current list of objectives, or to just touch bases. Please contact me on the below.
Mental Health
Contact 01 661 7211 for more information on support groups available nationwide. Locall national helpline: 1890 303 202 available 10am- 10pm. Email support service: available
Bodywhys offers support, information and understanding for people with eating disorders, their families and friends. Bodywhys provides a national helpline service and email support service. Call 1890 200 444 for
Log onto the BodyWhys website for more information on opening hours and an online support group.
Samaritans provides 24-hour non judgmental emotional support to anyone experiencing distress, despair or suicidal thoughts. Established in Ireland in 1962, there are now twenty Samaritans branches across the island of Ireland.
The Samaritans helpline is 1850 60 90 90 or email for email support.
For more information contact Console on 01 8685232 or log onto
Pieta House, the Centre for the Prevention of Self-Harm or Suicide offers a specialised treatment programme for people who have suicidal ideation or who participate in self-harming behaviours. In particular, this centre targets people who have already attempted to take their lives. This service is free of charge, but donations are welcome. The specialized treatment programme offers a comprehensive service aimed at individuals and their families who are affected by multiple suicidal attempts, suicidal ideation or continuous self-harming behaviours.
Pieta house is located in Lucan Co Dublin and can be contacted at 01 601 00 00.
MABS is a national, free, confidential and independent service for people in debt or in danger of getting into debt. MABS provide a helpline service 1890 283 438 available Mon - Fri 9am-8pm and an email support service (
Log onto for a list of national MABS offices.
Childline is a part of the ISPCC (The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). Childline has two parts. There is a telephone service and there is an online and mobile phone texting service.
The telephone service is available 24 hours a day on 1800 66 66 66 .
The online service can be accessed by logging on to . The mobile phone texting service is open only for certain parts of the country and for young people who are hard-of-hearing or deaf. It can be accessed by texting the word "Deaf" to 50101 between 6pm and 10pm.
The Rape Crisis Centre is a national organisation offering a wide range of services to women and men who are affected by rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment or childhood sexual abuse. The services include a national 24-hour helpline, one to one counselling, court accompaniment, outreach services, training, awareness raising and lobbying. The aim is to offer help and support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence of any kind. This may have been recently, some years ago or in childhood.
The helpline is available 24 hrs/a day at 1800778888.
Drug/HIV Helpline is a free phone, confidential helpline offering support, information, guidance and referral.
The helpline is available on 1800 459 459 everyday from 10am-5pm.
Log onto or more information on available support groups and to available of an online support service which is available Friday evenings from 8-11pm, on Saturday afternoons from 11am-2pm, and on Sunday evenings from 8-11pm
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help themselves and others to recover from alcoholism. Alcoholics Anonymous provide support group around the country.
Contact 0 1 8420700 for a list of support group locations near you or go to for more information.
Narcotics Anonymous is a support organisations for people addicted to drugs. They provide peer group support on a national basis.
To find out more about Narcotics Anonymous Groups in your area contact 01 6728000 Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have joined together to do something about their own gambling problem and to help other compulsive gamblers do the same.
Contact (01) 8721133 for more information or log onto
Gam-Anon is a fellowship of men and women who are husbands, wives, relatives or close friends who have been affected by a gambling problem.
To find out more about the nearest Gam-Anon group to you contact 01 8721133 Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00 or email
Positive Options is a free text service available 24 hours a day from the Crisis Pregnancy Agency. The positive options text service provides a list of crisis pregnancy service available nationwide.
To access the service text "List" to 50444 or log onto
Women's Aid provides support and information to women and their children who are being physically, emotionally and sexually abused in their own homes.
Women's Aid provide a helpline 1800 341 900 available from 10:00-22:00 or log on to
AMEN is a voluntary group which provides a confidential helpline, information and a support service for male victims of domestic abuse and their children.
Contact 046 9023718 Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00 or log onto
Parentline is an organisation that supports parents and guardians in their role as parents.
Parentline provide a helpline 1890 927277 that is available Mon- Thurs 10:00-21:30 Fri 10:00-16:30. For more information log onto
One Family is a national organisation for one-parent families in Ireland. One Family offers a wide range of services to one-parent families, to those experiencing a crisis pregnancy and to those working with one-parent families.
One Family information line is available on 1890 662212 Tues 14:30-16:30, Wed 10:00-12:00, Thurs 13:00-15:00.
Email support also available by emailing For more information log on to
Treoir is the national federation of both statutory and voluntary agencies which provide services to unmarried parents and their children.
Treoir National Information line is 1890 252 084 Mon-Fri 09:30-17:00 or log onto