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Déise Óg/Waterford GAA Coach Education Upcoming Courses
February ,03 2023
Déise Óg and Waterford GAA are delighted to be rolling out our formal Coach Education programme for Spring 2023 in the coming weeks and months.There..
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Social Hurling Returns in February
January ,30 2023
Following the success of our Social Hurling Programme at the tail end of 2022, we have teamed up again with Waterford GAA to offer Men aged 35 and ove..
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Speed v Conditioning Coach Education Workshop
January ,26 2023
See below Coach Education Workshop taking place in coming weeks. Please share with all your club coaches. Speed v Conditioning Practical workshop del..
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Safeguarding 1 Workshops for Waterford GAA
January ,17 2023
Please see below details for 8 Safeguarding 1 Workshops to be run by end February. Please circulate to your club members who need to complete Safeguar..
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Waterford Post Primary GAA Promotional Competition Winners
January ,12 2023
Congratulations to Jamie Dundon (Pictured) of Ard Scoil na Mara and Emma Roche of Blackwater CS who were selected as the winners of the Waterford Post..
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Design a Waterford GAA Training Jersey Competition for 2023
January ,10 2023
Design a Waterford GAA Training Jersey Competition for 2023 Déise Óg are delighted to be back with our competition for Primary School children to..
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Great start to Social Hurling in Waterford
December ,06 2022
Great to see some new faces at our 2nd Social Hurling session last night! So far we've had over 20 men aged 35 and over (some a good bit over!!) takin..
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Social Hurling for over 35's starting in Waterford
November ,18 2022
In collaboration with Waterford Sports Partnership we are starting Social Hurling in the coming week. This programme will commence on Mon 28st Nov at ..
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Friday Night Lights U12 Carriganore Nov & Dec
November ,10 2022
As part of our U12 Programme we will have 3 U12 Super Games Blitzes in SETU Arena Carriganore open to all boys born in 2010 to attend. Teams will be p..
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Déise Óg Club Forum
October ,21 2022
Déise Óg are delighted to be hosting a Club Forum on Wed 26th October in Lawlor's Hotel, Dungarvan starting at 7.30pm. The theme of the club forum i..
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Déise Óg wants you!!
October ,20 2022
Déise Óg are looking for selectors for our various Talent Academies for 2023. If you are interested in helping develop future Waterford stars in Hur..
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U12 Hurling Finals Programme
October ,01 2022
Our U12 Hurling Finals take place in SETU Arena on Sat 1st Oct. We have 10 finals across 5 Divisions with Cup & Shield Finals in all Divisions. The p..
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Post Primary Schools GAA Promotional Competition
September ,29 2022
Waterford GAA Post Post Primary in conjunction with Déise Óg are running a competition for all Post Primary schools throughout the course of the yea..
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Tony Forristal & Sonny Walsh U14 Hurling Saturday 27th Aug
August ,24 2022
After a 3 year covid enforced break the Tony Forristal & Sonny Walsh Tournaments make a welcome return to Waterford this Saturday 27th Aug. A bumper d..
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Senior Hurling Round 2 Programme Aug 6th & 7th
August ,21 2022
For the group games of the JJ Kavanagh & Sons Waterford Senior Hurling Championship we will have digital colour programmes for all games,This is somet..
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Jim Power U14 Football Tournament Finals Sat 23rd July
July ,20 2022
After a Covid-19 enforced break in 2020 & 2021 it was great to have the return of the Jim Power Tournament for U14 Football Development Squads return ..
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Hurling Development Squad Games v Kilkenny Fri 8th/Sat 9th
July ,05 2022
This coming weekend Fri 8th & Sat 9th July our Déise Óg Hurling Development Squads will be playing some challenge games against Kilkenny in Walsh Pa..
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Go Games Referee Course
June ,24 2022
Déise Óg are delighted to be running a Go Games Referee Course for those interested in taking up the whistle. We will have 2 courses next week where..
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Jim Power U14 Football Tournament Returns
June ,13 2022
After a Covid-19 enforced break in 2020 & 2021 it was great to have the return of the Jim Power Tournament for U14 Football Development Squads return ..
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Launch of Design a Jersey Winning Design
June ,09 2022
We were delighted to launch the winning jersey from our recent Design a Jersey competition. Guest of honour for the launch which took place in St Jose..
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Speed & Agility Workshops in June
May ,25 2022
As part of our Coach Education Programme we will have 2 Speed & Agility workshops in June. Delivered by our Déise Óg Development Squad S&C Lead Coac..
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Design a Training Jersey Winner 2022
May ,03 2022
Stephen Moynihan from St Joseph's, Dungarvan was chosen as the winner of the Waterford GAA Design a Training Jersey competition we ran recently. Steph..
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U13 Football Coaches
April ,27 2022
As we prepare to start our U13 Football Coaching please see below link for any coaches who may be interested in being part of the coaching group for U..
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Great fun at GAA for All Day
April ,25 2022
We had a great day at the GAA for All Day last Wednesday in Ballygunner Arena. In partnership with Waterford Sports Partnership we had over 30 childre..
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U13 Hurling & Gaelic Football Games Easter Holidays
March ,22 2022
As part of the coaching being run by our Déise Óg GDA's each week in the GDA Divisions we will have games for boys born in 2009 over the Easter Holi..
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South East Coaching Workshop Sat March 26th WIT Arena
March ,09 2022
Deise Óg Development, Waterford GAA and Munster GAA are delighted to be hosting the South East Coaching Workshop in the WIT Arena, Carriganore on Sat..
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Well!Kids Open for 2022 Registration
February ,23 2022
As part of the Waterford GAA overall strategic plan (Waterford Rising) one area in particular hascaught the attention of clubs right throughout the co..
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Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camp Coach Positions 2022
February ,14 2022
Applications are invited for positions as Coaches for the Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps 2022. Camps will be running in Waterford from 4th July-26th Augus..
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Déise Óg Club Coaching Survey Results
February ,11 2022
Déise Óg Coach Education workgroup recently conducted a survey of coaches across the county to help us to provide a Coach Education programme to ref..
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Déise Óg GDA Review - David Robinson Urban Area
December ,22 2021
"THESE YOUNG FELLAS WOULD GO ANYWHERE TO PLAY MATCHES"DAVID ROBINSON, Waterford GAA Urban GDA (In conversation with Gavin Whelan)As 2021 draws to a c..
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Déise Óg GDA Review - John Quinn Mid County
December ,21 2021
"It's about getting children out onto the playing fields and promoting our games"INTERVIEW with JOHN QUINN, Waterford GAA Mid-County GDA (In conversa..
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November ,19 2021
"It's very hands-on, it will develop you as a coach" WATERFORD GAA STRENGTH & CONDITIONING INTERNSHIP 2021 / 2022By: Gavin Whelan It's an exciting a..
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Déise Óg Strength & Conditioning Internships: New Positions
October ,15 2021
Waterford GAA is currently inviting new applications for the position for the voluntary Strength & Conditioning Intern to begin in October 2021 moving..
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Huge Demand as Coach Education Season Kicks Off in Waterford
October ,08 2021
The GAA Coach Education season is upon us in Waterford once more with an extensive programme currently being put together by the Coach Education Commi..
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U13 Football Coaching Programmes Coaches Call
September ,24 2021
We are currently looking for people who are interested in getting involved in our U13 Football Academy for 2021. We will be having a number of sessio..
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New U12 Coaching programme to begin this week
September ,20 2021
The Waterford GAA Déise Óg U12 Pilot Regional Coaching Program aims to provide regional and local developmental opportunities for boys born in 2009...
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Positive Structures will allow our Squads to prosper
September ,15 2021
DÉISE ÓG Featured Piece: UNDER-16 FOOTBALLERSBy: Gavin Whelan After a busy summer of action, similar to the U-16 hurlers, the U-16 footballers are ..
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Busy & enjoyable summer for U16 Déise Óg Hurlers
September ,13 2021
"There's some great structures being put in"DÉISE ÓG FEATURED SQUAD THIS WEEK; Under-16 Hurlers Gavin WhelanGetting back together was the big thing..
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ASD Cúl Camp in Walsh Park a great sucess
September ,03 2021
"Spirits are high and everyone is loving it"Brilliant week as Waterford GAA hosts 1st ever ASD Camp By: Gavin Whelan Walsh Park was a hive of activi..
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Senior Hurling Championship Live Streaming
September ,02 2021
Watch the action from Round 2 of the @JJKavanaghBuses @WaterfordGAA Senior Hurling Championship this weekend.Please follow the links below:De La S..
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Gerry Kennedy Crash Repairs Intermediate & Junior A ticket Info
August ,18 2021
The 2021 Gerry Kennedy Crash Repairs Eastern Intermediate & Junior A Hurling Championship continues this weekend All games are ticket only. Both Adul..
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Gerry Kennedy Crash Repairs Eastern Intermediate Round 1 Tickets
August ,11 2021
The 2021 Gerry Kennedy Crash Repairs Eastern Intermediate Hurling Championship begins this weekend.All games are ticket only. Adults and Children requ..
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Déise Óg Academy Squad Footballers in action this weekend
July ,30 2021
DÉISE ÓG DEVELOPMENT SQUADS BACK IN ACTION AGAIN THIS WEEKENDFeatured Squads this week; UNDER-15 FOOTBALLER'S Gavin Whelan While the main focus wi..
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July ,22 2021
Featured Squads this week; UNDER-15 HURLERSGavin WhelanThe sun is shining, the ball is hopping off the ground and it's great to be back in action! It'..
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Change of time for Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps
July ,20 2021
Following on from enquiries from parents in last 24 hours & having discussed with Clubs & Head Coaches we have decided to run Cúl camps 9am-1pm Wed-F..
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Déise Óg Academy Squad Footballers begin their campaigns
July ,02 2021
"Summer sunshine and it's great to have GAA back". A quote I heard from a parent at an underage GAA game over the last number of weeks and it's someth..
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U13 Talent Academy Programme on the look out for Volunteers
July ,01 2021
U13 Talent Academy Programme on the look out for Volunteers Waterford GAA are delighted to announce the launch of their 2021 U13 Talent Academy. Th..
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Design a Training Jersey winner gets her Jersey
June ,26 2021
Last week there was great excitement for one young Waterford supporter who won the recent Déise Óg/Azzurri Design a Training Jersey competition when..
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Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps information Week 1 June 28-July 2
June ,25 2021
As we get ready to start the Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps on Monday next 28th June in Clonea, Stradbally & Gaultier below is some information for all.We c..
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June ,25 2021
Featured Squads this week; UNDER-14 HURLERS Gavin WhelanIt's a bumper weekend of action, and whilst most of the attention will be on the Waterford Sen..
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All ready to go for Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps in Waterford
June ,16 2021
With just a few weeks to go the start of the 2121 Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps we were delighted to once again have the use of an equipment van kindly spo..
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Déise Óg Spring Series Webinars - Match Day Warm Ups
May ,24 2021
Déise Óg Spring Coaching Webinar Series - John Walsh - 'Matchday Warmups for Football and Hurling'Our final Webinar in the Spring Coaching Webinar S..
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Eastern Board Championship Draws 2021
May ,20 2021
Eastern Championship Draws 2021Below are the Waterford GAA Eastern Board draws which took place live on twitter on Thursday 20th May 2021 Gerry Kenne..
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April Déise Óg Highlights
May ,07 2021
Another busy month from our Déise Óg Games Development team in April. While the highlight was definitely getting back onto pitches after the long br..
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Munster GAA Let's Play GAA in May for Primary Schools
May ,06 2021
The month of May is going to be a busy one in Primary Schools across Munster with many schools participating in “Let’s Play GAA in May”. This is..
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Winner of Design a Waterford GAA Training Jersey Competition
April ,29 2021
Comhghairdeaches le Caoimhe Ní Bhroin, S.N. Bhaile Mhic Airt, An Sean Phobal buaiteoir Déise Óg, WaterfordGAA Design a Training Jersey Comórtas...
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Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps Launched for 2021
April ,28 2021
The GAA, in partnership with Kellogg, has today launched the 2021 Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps, offering children a healthy, fun and safe summer outdoor..
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Return to Play Information Webinars
April ,24 2021
In advance of GAA activity for Juvenile Players commencing next week please see below some information which will be of use to club coaches, officers,..
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Making Every Game Matter - Link to Webinar Presentation
April ,23 2021
What a fantastic presentation we had during the week with Barry Mullane on "Making Every Game Matter". Barry who runs Active Sports Coaching and contr..
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Link to Play & Stay Webinar Presentation 29th March
April ,01 2021
What a great webinar we had with Owen Mooney last Monday 29th March.Owen gave a hugely informative presentation on Play & Stay with Waterford GAA. Bas..
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Déise Óg Coach Ed Webinar 14th April - Making Every Game Matter
March ,31 2021
DÉISE ÓG SPRING COACHING WEBINAR SERIES No.6 – Barry Mullane (Deely Sport Science and Active Sports Coaching) Wednesday April 14th @ 7:00pm – L..
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Cúl Camp Coaches Positions 2021 Application Deadline
March ,24 2021
The online form to apply for Coaches positions is open until next Sunday 28th March at https://forms.office.com/r/S88fjHQS9u. Please share again with..
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Déise Óg Webinar Series #5 with Owen Mooney Mon March 29th
March ,19 2021
We're excited to announce that Owen Mooney of Dublin GAA and ICOACHKIDS will be our next presenter.In this webinar Owen will talk about how we as coac..
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Well!Kids Pilot Scheme
March ,11 2021
Déise Óg are inviting all clubs in Waterford to express their interest in being part of the Well!Kids Pilot scheme. Well!Kids is an exciting new pro..
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Club Crest Competition Winners & Déise Óg Resources
March ,05 2021
Thanks to all who entered the Club Crest Competition we had a great number of entries from children of all ages from clubs/schools across the county. ..
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Déise Óg Webinar Series #4 with Michael Bevans Mon March 15th
March ,03 2021
Please see below link to the Webinar held with Peter Nash last Monday on Developing Youth Players through the Teenage Years. It was another excellent ..
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Déise Og Staff looking forward to start of Well Kids Programme
February ,24 2021
The Déise Óg GDA’s are really excited about the new nursery programme being developed called “Well Kids” as part of the Waterford GAA Strategi..
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Free Training-Sports Inclusion and Disability Awareness Workshop
February ,24 2021
Free Training! - Sports Inclusion and Disability Awareness Online Workshop Waterford Sports Partnership in partnership with Déise Óg are hosting a ..
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Déise Óg Schools Resources #5
February ,23 2021
Déise Óg Schools Resources #5See below and attached some resources for the start of this week.Find the Hurlers Wordsearch http://bit.ly/3kdog0qGAA C..
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Waterford Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camp Coach Positions 2021
February ,22 2021
Please see below link for application forms for Cúl Camp Coaches 2021. While we appreciate that we have no certainty at moment on exact dates for Cú..
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A revised Guidance for Online Coaching of Children
February ,20 2021
A revised Guidance for Online Coaching of Children has been agreed following consultation with statutory authorities, parents, coaches and the Gaelic ..
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Déise Óg Schools Resources #4
February ,20 2021
Please see below links to some movement and skills videos than can be done by children before or after homework is done or as a way to break up the wo..
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Waterford GAA Launch Strategic Plan "Waterford Rising"
February ,19 2021
Waterford GAA today launched a 10 year strategic plan called ‘Waterford Rising’. Sean Michael O’Regan, Chair of Waterford GAA said “I am actua..
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Déise Óg Spring Series Webinars - The Youth Coach 1st March
February ,18 2021
DÉISE ÓG SPRING COACHING WEBINAR SERIES 2021'The Youth Coach - Developing the Player through the Teenage Years'Our third Spring Coaching Webinar tak..
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GAA plan to introduce digital sliotar
February ,18 2021
The GAA will finalise plans this year for the development of a digital sliotar for use in official games.A electronic chip will be added to the sliota..
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Déise Óg 30 Days of GAA Challenge
February ,17 2021
Please below Déise Óg 30 Days of GAA Challenge for Junior & Senior Cycle plus our Senior Hurling & Football players Skills Challenges.Waterford Seni..
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Ard Stiúrthóir hopes 2020 club championships can be concluded
February ,16 2021
GAA Ard Stiúrthóir, Tom Ryan, admits it’s a huge source of regret that not all club championship campaigns were concluded in 2020.Early last Octob..
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Déise Óg Schools Resources #2
February ,15 2021
Below are 2nd batch of resources for Primary School Children. As mentioned previously we will be sending out resources twice a week for the next few w..
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Ard Stiúrthóir calls for team expenditure to be more sustainable
February ,15 2021
GAA Ard Stiúrthóir, Tom Ryan, believes lessons have been learned from 2020 on how the excessive spending on preparing inter-county teams can be stre..
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2021 Plans for Déise Óg Part 2
February ,14 2021
Listen to part two of the recent "On the Ball" recording where Gavin Whelan (WLR FM) chatted with Waterford GAA, Games Development Manager Eoin Breath..
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Covid Restrictions - Important Update
February ,13 2021
A chara, The GAA's Covid Advisory Group met this evening to consider the outcome of a meeting between the three Gaelic Games governing bodies (GAA, La..
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Munster Club Development Programme a great opportunity for clubs
February ,12 2021
Munster GAA have recently launched their Munster Club Development Programme to assist clubs all areas of on and off field development and Waterford GA..
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Déise Óg Webinar Series - Role of Coaching Officer 15th Feb
February ,09 2021
Many thanks to all who joined us last night for our first in the Déise Óg Webinar Series there was a great response from many of you.Below is the li..
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Déise Óg Resources for Primary Schools, Teachers & Pupils
February ,08 2021
In light of the current challenging times and the fact that schools are closed Déise Óg is putting together some resources for the month of February..
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GAA Club Newsletter - January 2021
February ,04 2021
This month’s edition includes the following:The GAA is committed to ensuring that any delay on the inter-county season will not have a negative knoc..
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Eoin Breathnach & Eoin Morrissey - 2021 Plans for Déise Óg
February ,03 2021
Listen to the recent "On the Ball" recording where Gavin Whelan (WLR FM) chatted with Waterford GAA, Games Development Manager Eoin Breathnach & the C..
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Déise Óg Strength & Conditioning Internships Closing Date Friday
February ,03 2021
Waterford GAA is currently inviting applications for the voluntary post of Strength & Conditioning Intern to begin immediately (remotely) moving on to..
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Busy January for Déise Óg
February ,01 2021
Despite the lockdown January was a busy month for all in Déise Óg with lots of activity taking place (socially distant of course!) Our online skills..
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Déise Óg Spring Series Webinars - Coaching Children 8th Feb
February ,01 2021
The first of a busy month of Webinars brought to you by our games development team will be Colm Crowley. Colm will demonstrate best practice when coac..
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Role of the GDA Webinars for all Clubs
January ,29 2021
As the commencement of activities may still be some way off, we have decided that this is a good opportunity to address some topics that can be of ben..
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Hosting Virtual AGM's With Microsoft Teams
January ,26 2021
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions AGMs cannot go ahead as normal. For this reason, the GAA has created this guidance document to assist GAA Clubs to r..
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2021 will be the same but different for coaches in Waterford
January ,22 2021
"2021 will be the same but different for coaches in Waterford"An exciting but very different year awaits new and existing GAA coaches at all levels ac..
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Déise Óg Skills Challenges U12 Hurling & Football
January ,16 2021
U12'S IT'S YOUR TIME!First off Grab your hurley, your helmet and a ball!Our final videos in our 'READY PLAYER ONE!' Skills Challenge Series are here a..
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Déise Óg Skills Challenges U10 Hurling & Football
January ,11 2021
DÉISE ÓG U10 HURLING SKILLS CHALLENGE - PLAYERS ARE YOU READY?There are 5 skills challenges here, give all of them a go and be sure to share your sc..
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Hurling Helmet Safety 2021
January ,09 2021
In advance of the 2021 GAA season, players are reminded about the need to check that their equipment is in good condition and meets the required safet..
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Foundation Course Registration details - Courses Start 26th Jan
January ,08 2021
As all know we cannot have face to face meetings or courses at moment and we don't have a date yet for these events to start. This means that we have ..
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GAA Club Newsletter - December 2020
December ,22 2020
The December edition of the GAA Club Newsletter is now available. This month’s edition includes the following: Clubs encouraged to register for 'Ire..
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Feargal McGill: 'We have created a very good window for clubs"
December ,22 2020
The GAA will adopt a split season model in 2021. By Cian O’Connell (https://www.gaa.ie/news/feargal-mcgill-we-have-created-a-very-good-window-for-cl..
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2021 League and Championships – Overview
December ,22 2020
1.Providing a meaningful closed season/down time: -No return to collective Senior inter county training before January 15th-Senior inter county challe..
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Eastern Board Convention 2020
December ,16 2020
The 96th annual convention of the Waterford GAA Eastern Board took place online this evening Wednesday 16th December 2020.In his opening address to cl..
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