Role of the GDA Webinars for all Clubs
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Role of the GDA Webinars for all Clubs
January 29, 2021
As the commencement of activities may still be some way off, we have decided that this is a good opportunity to address some topics that can be of benefit when we get back to the fields.
It may be the case that there are members in your club unaware of the roles of the GDA and what supports they can offer your club. Consequently, we will be doing a webinar on "The role of the GDA". This will be a short presentation by the games development staff in your region, with an opportunity for questions & answers at the end.
Speaking in advance of the webinars Coaching Officer Eoin Morrissey said "I encourage at least one representative from the adult section of the club to attend one of these webinars which will be beneficial to all. We hope that all coaches, officers and parents from Juvenile Clubs will attend the webinars and avail of the opportunity to engage with the GDA's.
Links to attend the webinars are listed below
Mid County John Quinn February 3rd 7pm
Urban David Robinson February 4th 7pm
West County Barry Dunne February 4th 7.30pm