Déise Óg Schools Resources #4
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Déise Óg Schools Resources #4
February 20, 2021
Please see below links to some movement and skills videos than can be done by children before or after homework is done or as a way to break up the work for a few minutes.
‘Walk, Throw, Catch!’ - https://youtu.be/TF_QwqlrXRk
‘Socks Solo’ - https://youtu.be/K09C0UQ-xrc
High Knees & Arm Pulldown https://youtu.be/EhQ5o9tvpe0
Coloured Cone Race https://youtu.be/FxhlSXFCPD8
Don't forget to tag us in any photos or videos you put up on social media and remember the deadline for entries for club crest competition is next Friday 26th February