Déise Óg Webinar Series #5 with Owen Mooney Mon March 29th
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Déise Óg Webinar Series #5 with Owen Mooney Mon March 29th
March 19, 2021
We're excited to announce that Owen Mooney of Dublin GAA and ICOACHKIDS will be our next presenter.
In this webinar Owen will talk about how we as coaches can help our players 'Play and Stay with Waterford GAA'. Owen will detail practical examples from his many years of coaching and give us suggestions on how we can build strong relationships with players, set standards to live by in coaching terms and ensure players continue to stay involved with our teams - at all levels.
Owen is the Learning & Development Coordinator with Dublin GAA having spent a number of years as GAA Development Officer in New York. He has previously been involved with Special Olympics Ireland as their National Coach & Sport Development Coordinator.
Owen is also a regular host of the ICOACHKIDS Podcast and a huge driver of the ICOACHKIDS concept. This will be a really informative webinar of special interest to coaches at all levels from children to adults.
Link to register for this webinar http://bit.ly/3v9Aign . The webinar will begin at 7pm on Monday 29th March