Déise Óg Coach Ed Webinar 14th April - Making Every Game Matter
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Déise Óg Coach Ed Webinar 14th April - Making Every Game Matter
March 31, 2021
DÉISE ÓG SPRING COACHING WEBINAR SERIES No.6 – Barry Mullane (Deely Sport Science and Active Sports Coaching)
Wednesday April 14th @ 7:00pm – Link to Register: https://forms.office.com/r/ms3YULqCSq
We are delighted to have BARRY MULLANE as our next guest in our Spring Coaching Webinar Series. Barry will talk on ‘Making Every Game Matter’ in our training sessions and by extension, making every competitive match we are involved in matter also. Barry will detail practical games based activities, how to use them to benefit your teams and how to implement match type scenarios effectively in your sessions. We will have a Q&A at the end of the session and questions for this can be submitted in advance when you register or on the night using the chat function.
Barry Mullane is a hugely experienced coach who has been involved at all levels for many years. He is also a hugely experienced coach developer and educator.
Recently he moved back home to his native Tipperary and set up his own coaching business; Active Sports Coaching, along with a colleague Barry Burke. They coach fundamental movement skills through fun games and a multisport approach along with providing a coach education service for sports club.
During his time in Dublin, he completed a Master’s degree in Sports Coaching at the University of Birmingham. More recently, Barry has been involved with Deely Sport Science as a Coach with responsibility for the Hurling side of the business. His blogs and hurling session plans on the DSS website and social media have been massively well received by coaches over the last few months.
Many of you who follow Barry on Twitter will know that he is an extremely passionate advocate for games based coaching. He has summed up his coaching philosophy in three points:
- Every pass must have a thought
- Use and receive the ball under pressure
- Repetition without repetition
This will be a fascinating session and all adult and youth coaches from across Waterford and beyond will take a pile from it.