Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps information Week 1 June 28-July 2
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Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps information Week 1 June 28-July 2
June 25, 2021
As we get ready to start the Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps on Monday next 28th June in Clonea, Stradbally & Gaultier below is some information for all.
We cannot take walk ups in any venues. All camps for next week are fully booked and we will not be in position to take any additional children on Monday morning.
Health Questionnaire
Parents must complete the Health Questionnaire for all children prior to attending the Cúl Camp.
Health questionnaire video for Parent / Guardian instructional video
COVID 19 Education Module
Parents must complete the GAA COVID 19 Education Module for all children prior to attending the Cúl Camp.
Link for Health Questionnaire is
Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps in Waterford are nut free camps. Please bear this in mind when preparing your child’s lunch.
Please have water bottles with child names on it please.
All Camps run 10am-2pm Monday to Friday. Children will not be allowed into camp venue prior to 9.45/9.50am any morning.
A parent/guardian must sign in each child every morning. We cannot allow children to attend without being signed & having updated Health Questionnaire.
No child will be allowed to walk/cycle home unless we receive written permission from parent on first morning.
If a day of Cúl camp needs be shortened/cancelled due to poor weather we will inform all parents as soon as possible via email/text.
Please ensure we have your contact details correct.
Drop Off & Collection should be by 1 parent. In the current circumstances we will not able to allow gatherings of parents/guardians at the entry/exit points. Parents/Guardians will only be allowed past entry/exit point if required to speak to child or collect a child that got hurt.
For 2021 we have no access to indoor facilities other than for use of toilets and medical care. Children’s bags will be kept outside at all times. Please ensure all belongings in bags are in plastic/waterproof bags.
We recommend that you provide some sanitising equipment (hand gel/wipes) for your child. We will have ample supplies for cleaning all areas and at entry/exit points.
Please apply suncream to your child prior to bringing them to camp if required.
We are not in a position to loan out Hurleys or Helmets in 2021.
Please ensure all children have health questionnaire completed. Children/Parents who are close (or potential) contact of positive case or are waiting for a test must not attend Cúl Camps